
新聞中心您的位置:網站首頁 >新聞中心 > 螺紋各國標準對照
更新時間:2016-12-27   點擊次數:2458次
一、英制螺紋(螺紋牙型角55度)Thread of British standard ( Thread pitch shape angle 55°) BSW----英國標準惠氏螺紋(粗牙)British Standard Whitworth Thread ( Coarse ) BSF----英國標準惠氏螺紋(細牙)British Standard Whitworth Thread ( Fine ) G----直管螺紋(外螺紋分A、B兩面級、絲錐分G、G-D)Straight pipe thread ( Outside ) thread in A\B: taps in G、G-D ) R----錐管外螺紋(舊代號ZG;KG)Outside paper pipe thread ( Old thread code ZG,KG ) RC----錐管內螺紋(舊代號ZG;KG)Inside taper pipe thread ( Old thread code ZG,KG ) 二、美制螺紋(螺紋牙型角60度)Thread of American standard ( Thread pitch shape angle 60° UNC----統一制粗牙螺紋(代替NC)Unified coarse pitch thread ( Instead of NC ) UNF----統一制細牙螺紋(代替NF)Unified fine pitch thread ( Instead of NF ) UNEF----統一制超細牙螺紋Unified superfine pitch thread UN-----統一制不變螺距螺紋Unified thread UNS----統一制特殊螺紋Unified Special thread NPT----一般用途錐管螺紋(舊代號Z;K)Taper pipe thread for general purpose ( Old thread code Z,K ) NPSC----管接頭直管內螺紋Internal straight pipe thread for connection NPSM----設備上自由配合,機械連接用直管螺紋Straight pipe thread for general purpose NPTF----干密封錐管螺紋Dryseal taper pipe thread NPSF----干密封燃油直管螺紋Dryseal straight pipe internal thread NGT----氣瓶用錐螺紋Special thread for gas cylinder 三、米制螺紋Metric thread ZM-----米制錐管螺紋 Metric taper pipe thread 四、其它螺紋Other threads SM----縫紉機螺紋Thread for sewing machine PZ----氣瓶用錐螺紋Special thread for gas cylinder 5V1-20V1-氣門芯螺紋5V1-20V1-Tyre valve thread 螺紋代號說明示例:Explanation of thread code. e. g. 1/4-20UNC 1/4-公稱直徑1/4" nominal dia. 1/4"


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